Can We Predict The Future?

Well Can we Predict it based on past? 

here is some philosophy

If we try to predict what will happen ,surely yet human mind is not so intelligent to predict future from past experience .because so far what we know is that future not only conclusion of past but it also includes some random activities which we are not aware of yet. 

 Science geeks  watch this

Sometimes that data takes the form of statistics. Statistics use mathematical data to calculate probabilities based upon current trends and past experiences. For example, meteorologist might gather data about the current temperature, wind speed, and barometric pressure. Based upon what has happened in the  past with similar readings, the meteorologist might be able to predict that there’s a 50% probability of rain in the near future.

Whether you know it or not, you’ve calculated odds and made good guesses about future behavior based upon past experiences. It’s just human nature. For example, if your neighbor walks her dog every single morning at 6am, you can probably make a fairly accurate guess that tomorrow morning at 6am she’ll be walking her dog.

So conclusion is that science only gives a probabilistic answer we are not completely aware what will happen next but we can surely guess what will happen up to a certainty .

So will we able to predict future in near future ?

 My answer is  I think so 

else we will see in future